“Pure Inspiration” oder “My summer of Music” – Review Montreux Jazz Festival
016 Teil 2 – Sendung vom 15. August 2016
Interpret: Herbie Hancock - Album: “Headhunters“ - Song: “Watermelom Man“ - anno 1973Herbie Hancock
Interpret: Herbie Hancock - Album: “Future Shock“ - Song: “Rockit“ anno 1983
Interpret: Mehliania (Brad Mehldau und Mark Guiliana) - ( Album: “Taming the Dragon“ - Song: “Gainbourgh” anno 2014
Interpret: John Scofield - Album: “Überjam deux” - Song: “Dub Dub” - anno 2013
Interpret: John McLaughlin and the 4th Dimension - Album: “The Boston Record” - Song: “Raju” a - nno 2007
Interpret: Buddy Guy and Billy Gibbons - Album: “Born to play guitar” - Song: “Wear You out” - anno 2015ZZ Top
Interpret: ZZ Top - Album: “Live in Texas” - Song: “Gimme all Your loving” - anno 2009
Interpret: Buddy Guy - Album: “Feels like rain” - Song: “Feel like rain” – mit Bonnie Raitt - anno 1993
Interpret: Buddy Guy Album: “Born to play Guitar” Song: “Turn me wild” anno 2015
Interpret: Devon Allman - Album: “Ragged and dirty” - Song: “Travelling” - anno 2014
Interpret: Devon Allman - Album: “Ragged and dirty” - Song: “Back to You” - anno 2014
Interpret: Greg Allman - Album: “Low Country Blues” - Song: “Just another Ride” - anno 2013
Interpret: Mogwai - Album: “The atomic Project” - Song: “Scram” anno 2016
Interpret: Mogwai - Album: “The Hawk is howling” - Song: “The sun smells too loud” anno 2013
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John McLaughlin
John Scofield